Ann’s spirited talks educate, entertain and inspire people from all walks of life.

Ann is pictured wearing a traditional, handmade, beaded Masai necklace from Tanzania. Hanging in the background is one of her treasured fabric panels.
Whether she is speaking to a large group of convention delegates or to smaller gatherings, her words resonate with people who desire to grow and thrive, and to find their calling, their heart, and their voice. In other words, people who want to become the fullest that they can be in life.
Topics Ann has spoken on include environmental issues, women’s issues, the use of creativity in healing, the power of compassion, death and dying, mindfulness, and spirituality.
“Communicating with people as an inspirational speaker is a deeply rewarding part of my life. It is a source of profound gratitude that my work moved beyond the spotlight to include journeying beside people who want, and believe in, a healthier way of existing for themselves, their relationships, their families, their communities, their countries and our world.” – Ann Mortifee
Ann is equally at ease behind the lectern, or walking in and amongst the attendees, encouraging participation. Her easy manner motives people to ask questions and weigh in when invited. Attendees are also enjoy the moments of levity, humour and inspiration that Ann intersperses throughout her talks, even when the topics is are serious ones.
“The keynote speaker was Ann Mortifee, who is known world-wide for her passionate and honest music. Her work involves environmental and women’s issues, and the use of creativity in healing victims of sexual, emotional, and societal abuse. She spoke to us about feeling good about ourselves, and living life to the fullest at the present time. She sang to us and invited us to sing along with her, and she lifted our spirits.” – Hospice Volunteer, keynote talk attendee.
The stories and anecdotes that Ann shares with audiences reflect a rich spectrum of emotion and experience. They are compelling, gently humourous and insightful. People enjoy hearing about:
- Her early childhood in South Africa, and her adult interaction with revered Zulu Sangoma, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa
- Her travels to 74 countries
- Her spiritual journeys
- Her touring and performing experiences
- Her Healing Journey workshops in North America and Europe and her remarkable interactions with people at the end-stages of life and their caregivers
- Her arts and consciousness workshops
- Her interactions with spiritual leaders, entertainment world luminaries, creative icons, and fascinating people and fellow travellers from all walks of life
Ann’s stories, words and songs tend to linger with attendees long after the room empties. They rest quietly in peoples’ hearts, inspire action, encourage involvement and lead to deeper insight. In a word, they are transformative.